Being Mediocre

“There’s something in the realm of psychology that basically postulates: people who are good at something really think they’re not all that great which is why they become better. Instead of thinking they know it all, they’re open to learning and to transforming and to picking up new skills.”

I know loads, and there’s loads I don’t know. Sometimes I feel like i’m a freakin’ genius, other days like I should probably pack it in. It’s how we’re made (humans). It’s just being human.

If you’re not good at networking, then be good at interviewing.

An Interesting Read:

Dev Article worth reading :–30hn

  1. “If you want to be working on big problems, then you have to go where the big problems are. Always be looking for your next opportunity to level up.”
  2. “Grinders are ugly, but they are the engines that drive the world.”
  3. “You can be a mediocre programmer and do great things. You can be a great programmer and not achieve the success relative to your level. It’s all completely relative. I’m an ok-to-decent programmer”

Last ditch effort:

  1. Become a project manager – Everybody is not cut out to be excellent coders, but you probably have heaps more of knowledge than the average joe.
  2. Having a project manager that knows the development process, understand coders and know the basics of programming is so valuable both to us developers and the overall success of a project.
  3. Become a manager – A good manager is often a mediocre developer. When your job is simply to make sure people are doing what needs done, and how long something should take, and sort out which of two people have the “more right” solution you don’t have to be a great dev, just a person who can keep track of things.

Or try and turn your weakness into a strength.

  1. “You’ll also need to be comfortable thinking about things you don’t understand. If everything you do is familiar to you you’re not thinking broadly enough.”
  2. “To get better you always have to move on to something new that’s difficult for you.”
  3. “Don’t feel obligated to stay at your current job if it doesn’t challenge you. The best decision I ever made was leaving a corporate programming job where I was bored 95% of the time.”

Employers expect younger workers like recent college graduates to move around a bit before staying long-term at a company

Mediocre developers don’t have incentive to improve their processes and abilities because they are overly compensated for their skills.  They are satisfied with the amount of salary they receive, and do not feel compelled to improve as the amount of money they would receive in addition isn’t enough to justify the amount of effort required to exist in a zone of software excellence. 

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